Saturday, July 15, 2006

100 Things About Me: 61-80

61. You can never use too much garlic. I put it in almost everything, except brownies.
62. In school, most people think I’m a nerd. I’m never afraid to lobby for a better grade.
63. I am addicted to DVR. It is the best invention ever.
64. I have an anti-green thumb. I can’t keep a plant alive to save my life.
65. In elementary school, I wore Jams and leggings and hair bows. Oh my.
66. When I was younger, I used to make crafts for all of my Christmas gifts. I wish I still had the time to do that.
67. One of my favorite songs is “I Love Rock ‘n Roll” by Joan Jett. I used to have it on a 45. Every time it comes on the radio, I’m instantly in a good mood.
68. I dig power tools. Especially my electric screwdriver.
69. I dig other power tools too. But mostly, this is a G-rated blog.
70. I know how to fold napkins into fancy shapes, like swans. My grandmother gave me a napkin folding book when I was young, and I actually used it.
71. Whenever I watch scary movies, I close my eyes and plug my ears during the jump-out-and-scare-you parts.
72. I used to be a HUGE Tom Cruise fan. After his Oprah couch jumping incident, he has been erased from existence.
73. I can’t stand Gatorade. It burns the back of my throat.
74. I love to eat whipped cream – straight out of the can.
75. I like fancy restaurants with froufrou food.
76. I’ve only been in a limo twice. Once for my best friend’s 16th birthday and then again on my wedding night.
77. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue – quickly.
78. I love to eat raw cookie dough.
79. I hate to vacuum.
80. I’ve visited cities in 13 US states.


Toni said...

69. I dig other power tools too. But mostly, this is a G-rated blog.

Hahahaha!! Did you plan the number??

Anonymous said...

Good call, Toni. I never even noticed the number!

I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue too. Want to have a race???

(I linked over from Toni's blog.)